

We slowly made our way to the Christmas tree farm, taking in the scenic beauty of the country drive.  The owner greeted us with a smile and a hand saw with which to chop down the tree of our own choosing.  We drove up the hill to an area planted with majestic Scotch pines.  The late afternoon sun bathed the many rows of trees in beautiful golden light.  I hastily retrieved my camera from the back seat.  Equipped with my trusty 50mm lens, I angled myself for the perfect shot.  The shot that would encapsulate the beauty and serenity of this place.  One final check of the camera settings and then a quick snap of the shutter.  Success!  I pressed the button to review my glorious image and...wait.  "No memory card."  What??!  The string of obscenities swirling inside my head were not appropriate for the family friendly venue.  I opted instead to take many wonderful mental images of our experience.  Now if only I could find a way to develop the film.


  1. Your words evoke it beautifully! Very funny.

  2. Oh, man, what a let down - for you, that is. I can see the scene in my mind's eye. Thank you for painting the picture in words.
