

A young male orchard oriole.

It's been a terrific year here for oriole activity.  I have never seen so many, and I've never before had the privilege of seeing fledglings.

This is the second year that orchard orioles have visited our yard. They are slightly smaller than the Baltimore orioles and have less black on their heads. They are also a bit more yellowish in color.
Female oriole grabs nesting material.

I attracted them with several jelly feeders placed throughout the backyard and the female returned multiple times daily to grab bits of twine that I'd woven through the sides of a hanging basket.

They disappeared for awhile from late May to mid June as they nested.  Then the female reappeared with four gorgeous little fledglings in tow.

Here are some photos of the fledglings with their mom.  They visit the jelly feeders several times a day. I hope they come back next year.
A tender moment between mom and baby.

All four fledglings coming to feast on jelly with mom.

Being fed a tasty jelly snack by mom.

Orchard oriole fledglings in serviceberry tree.

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